Frequently Asked Questions

In Google Play Instant, permissions work differently than in regular app installations. Instant apps can request permissions dynamically as needed, focusing on providing a seamless user experience without upfront permission requests. This approach enhances user trust and encourages higher engagement by minimizing barriers to try out app features instantly.

Smart Lock is not required for instant apps to function. Instant apps operate independently of Smart Lock, which primarily facilitates seamless sign-in experiences across devices for regular apps. Instant apps focus on delivering immediate access to specific app functionalities without the need for full installations or additional dependencies like Smart Lock.

Yes, you can have multiple activities within a single feature in an Android Instant App. Each feature module can include its own activities, services, resources, and code, allowing you to modularize your app's functionality effectively. This modular approach helps in managing and delivering specific features to users on demand through Google Play Instant.

Yes, you can share resources between features in an Android Instant App. Resources such as layouts, drawables, strings, and other assets can be shared by placing them in a common module or by referencing them from one feature module to another. This allows you to maintain consistency across different features while optimizing app size and modularizing development.

As of the latest updates, multidex is not supported for Android Instant Apps. Instant apps have specific constraints and optimizations to ensure small APK sizes and fast loading times, and multidexing could potentially impact these goals negatively. Therefore, Google recommends avoiding the use of multidex in instant apps and instead optimizing your app's architecture and dependencies to fit within the instant app limitations.

Yes, you can share resources between features in an Android Instant App. This can be done by placing shared resources like layouts, drawables, strings, and other assets in a common module or by referencing them from one feature module to another. By structuring your app to share resources in this way, you can maintain consistency in design and functionality across different features while optimizing the app's size and modular development approach.

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